

Rebecca Riisness

M: +420 608 007 393

Mon – Fri, 9:00 – 17:00

Hello People! I have been serving the city of Prague with Music Education since 2012. I trained in Music Together® in 2016, and received my AMI Assistants to Primary age in 2018.

I’m from a little town near New Orleans, Louisiana, and music…well…it’s everywhere.

I’ve been teaching in Prague since 2013, and I served as an assistant in both Toddler and Primary classes at the International Montessori School of Prague, Vrbičky Montessori School, and taught Drama and Music to Elementary children in these schools and for Story Theatre, Class Acts, and Prague Youth Theatre (all of which are amazing organizations and I highly recommend them).

I love music- it’s a language everyone speaks, feels, and understands, in their own way. And for me, as a mother, music lover, and teacher, that’s the more important feature about the Music Together®- it gives freedom to each child to experience and express music in the way that comes to them. No matter the age, the ability, music touches each person in some way, and I am so looking forward to sharing time and space with you.

I could go on and on about The Absorbent Mind, and how music engages the brain, improves emotional connection, supports soft skills, encourages movement and silliness. I’d rather tell you about it in person though, so please get in touch!